четверг, 20 июня 2013 г.

Japanese street fashion idols in the Instagram Part1


Alisa Ueno - Designer/Model/Dj

           Her instagram:@alisaueno          



Una- model 
instagram: @BC_UNNNA

Coi - produced and directing shop Bubbles/stylist/ designer/ model
Instagram: @coi_bubbles

Eva Pinkland - model

Instagram: @eva_pinkland

MADEMOISELLE YULIA - Designer/ singer/ 
Dj/ Journalist

To be continued~ 

воскресенье, 28 апреля 2013 г.

суббота, 30 марта 2013 г.

Animau no haru

Hello guys (*^﹏^*)
March 23 was a festival of Asian culture "Animau no haru "  And I was doing my new cosplay of Kallen from  The Five Star Stories with my team.
Oh, I love this festival. Animau the best festival in the Urals. ≧﹏≦  I think at this festival really high level of cosplay.

Ki-ran ≧﹏≦ amazing! How do I love costumes that they do. Gorgeous costumes from game Xenoblade. ●0●♥ amazing guys ♥ I hope they win the Hinode in Moscow.

Oh and very lovely cosplay of Koichi from Mejibray ♥♥♥≧﹏≦かわいい! My friend Dean was doing cosplay of Koichi.

And photos ♥

понедельник, 18 февраля 2013 г.


Учусь, много учусь... много дел и проблем. Уставашки ужасные Q_Q даже нет времени на друзей ~T_T~ простите.
В промежутках между учебой делаю косплей. Господи вот бы успеть π_π остался месяц и Это грусть. А еще с караоке столько дел Q_Q


Oh, I'm really tired ~T_T~ school academy tutor school academy tutor school academy tutor Q_Q it's terrible! I don't have a time. ::>_<:: I should do Cosplay of Kallen ╮(╯◇╰)╭  because festival very soon!